As of September 2023, the required school uniform for Nursery – Y5:
Gold Polo shirt
Royal Blue jumper or cardigan
Grey, black or tartan skirt
Grey or black trousers
Black shoes or plain, unbranded black trainers, with a flat sole.
In summer term, uniform includes a blue gingham dress.
Y6 uniform: white shirt and gold school tie with a Royal Blue V-necked jumper or cardigan.
Required PE Kit (no changes)
Reception - Y6 classes will come to school in their PE kit on their PE day.
White T shirt with a school logo or a plain, unbranded white T shirt
Plain, unbranded black tracksuit/jogging bottoms or plain, unbranded black leggings
Blue school PE hoodie or the Royal Blue school jumper
Trainers with a flat sole, suitable for sports
Black slip-on pumps for indoor use
In warmer weather, children may wear blue shorts instead of jogging bottoms.
All uniform with our school logo on (t-shirts, jumpers, and PE hoodies) can be purchased from Slaters.
Thank you for your support with ensuring WMCPS children respect our school uniform policy.
A selection of second hand uniform can be purchased from LetsLocalise via the link below
As space is limited in school, please avoid sending children with large rucksacks or bags.
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
As of September 2023, the required school uniform for Nursery – Y5:
Gold Polo shirt
Royal Blue jumper or cardigan
Grey, black or tartan skirt
Grey or black trousers
Black shoes or plain, unbranded black trainers, with a flat sole.
In summer term, uniform includes a blue gingham dress.
Y6 uniform: white shirt and gold school tie with a Royal Blue V-necked jumper or cardigan.
Required PE Kit (no changes)
Reception - Y6 classes will come to school in their PE kit on their PE day.
White T shirt with a school logo or a plain, unbranded white T shirt
Plain, unbranded black tracksuit/jogging bottoms or plain, unbranded black leggings
Blue school PE hoodie or the Royal Blue school jumper
Trainers with a flat sole, suitable for sports
Black slip-on pumps for indoor use
In warmer weather, children may wear blue shorts instead of jogging bottoms.
All uniform with our school logo on (t-shirts, jumpers, and PE hoodies) can be purchased from Slaters.
Thank you for your support with ensuring WMCPS children respect our school uniform policy.
A selection of second hand uniform can be purchased from LetsLocalise via the link below
As space is limited in school, please avoid sending children with large rucksacks or bags.
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
As of September 2023, the required school uniform for Nursery – Y5:
Gold Polo shirt
Royal Blue jumper or cardigan
Grey, black or tartan skirt
Grey or black trousers
Black shoes or plain, unbranded black trainers, with a flat sole.
In summer term, uniform includes a blue gingham dress.
Y6 uniform: white shirt and gold school tie with a Royal Blue V-necked jumper or cardigan.
Required PE Kit (no changes)
Reception - Y6 classes will come to school in their PE kit on their PE day.
White T shirt with a school logo or a plain, unbranded white T shirt
Plain, unbranded black tracksuit/jogging bottoms or plain, unbranded black leggings
Blue school PE hoodie or the Royal Blue school jumper
Trainers with a flat sole, suitable for sports
Black slip-on pumps for indoor use
In warmer weather, children may wear blue shorts instead of jogging bottoms.
All uniform with our school logo on (t-shirts, jumpers, and PE hoodies) can be purchased from Slaters.
Thank you for your support with ensuring WMCPS children respect our school uniform policy.
A selection of second hand uniform can be purchased from LetsLocalise via the link below
As space is limited in school, please avoid sending children with large rucksacks or bags.
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.