The primary intention for our pupils with a Special Educational Need and/or Disabilities is to provide a fully inclusive and valuable education, ensuring equity of curriculum. We strive to recognise, celebrate and welcome diversity. We believe that each and every one of us brings something valuable to our school community. We aim to develop children’s personal qualities and achievements and are committed to giving all of our children every opportunity to achieve the highest standards, regardless of age, disability, religion, gender, ethnicity, attainment or background. We intend for all children to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
The curriculum is implemented using Quality First Teaching, however, we recognise that children with SEND require additional support and/or alternative provision. As a school, we are very mindful about providing high quality interventions, but class teachers plan this carefully so that children are not missing the same lesson each day/week in order to access their provision. We believe that all children have the right to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
Graduated Approach to SEND (EYFS) See Appendix 1
Graduated Approach to SEND (Y1-Y6) See Appendix 1
We implement the curriculum to our SEND children using a range of strategies, dependent upon each child’s varying and individual needs. We use the Assess, Plan, Do, Review model to evaluate the impact upon children’s learning. Examples of this include; Sensory box in every classroom, access to wobble cushions, ear defenders, other resources such as pencil grips, sloping desks, balance of 1:1 and small group work, task sheets, use of de-escalation techniques, writing frames, splicing tasks, magenta partners (peer support), collaborating with other agencies such as Speech and Language, Ethnic Minority Service, Targetted Educational Support Service, Occupational Therapy, Outreach and Educational Psychology Service to name but a few.
In order to support our children in accessing the curriculum we have a ‘Team of Experts’ who provide interventions such as;
Also see SEND Policy and the SEND School Information Report
Assessment - At Worsley Mesnes Primary School, SEND children are assessed continuously. This is done through a variety of assessments including formative and summative assessments, such as end of topic assessments, Bsquared, observations/discussions, EBD scales, Boxall Profiles etc. These assessments then inform planning and targets for SEND children in the form of individual plans. This plan is then reviewed at Pupil Progress meetings termly and provision is recorded using the Cohort Raising Attainment Plan (CoRAP) The SENDCo has a strategic lead over SEND within school. If a child has an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) the SENDCo will organise and chair annual reviews for that child. Pupil progress meetings help as part of this process.
The intended impact is for the SEND children in each year group to be accessing a wide and varied curriculum whereby they are enjoying their learning. In addition to this, we want them to be inspired by learning and want to learn more; to be able to show progression in their subject knowledge, skills and understanding; be able to discuss their learning and understand where their learning can take them into the future!
The primary intention for our pupils with a Special Educational Need and/or Disabilities is to provide a fully inclusive and valuable education, ensuring equity of curriculum. We strive to recognise, celebrate and welcome diversity. We believe that each and every one of us brings something valuable to our school community. We aim to develop children’s personal qualities and achievements and are committed to giving all of our children every opportunity to achieve the highest standards, regardless of age, disability, religion, gender, ethnicity, attainment or background. We intend for all children to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
The curriculum is implemented using Quality First Teaching, however, we recognise that children with SEND require additional support and/or alternative provision. As a school, we are very mindful about providing high quality interventions, but class teachers plan this carefully so that children are not missing the same lesson each day/week in order to access their provision. We believe that all children have the right to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
Graduated Approach to SEND (EYFS) See Appendix 1
Graduated Approach to SEND (Y1-Y6) See Appendix 1
We implement the curriculum to our SEND children using a range of strategies, dependent upon each child’s varying and individual needs. We use the Assess, Plan, Do, Review model to evaluate the impact upon children’s learning. Examples of this include; Sensory box in every classroom, access to wobble cushions, ear defenders, other resources such as pencil grips, sloping desks, balance of 1:1 and small group work, task sheets, use of de-escalation techniques, writing frames, splicing tasks, magenta partners (peer support), collaborating with other agencies such as Speech and Language, Ethnic Minority Service, Targetted Educational Support Service, Occupational Therapy, Outreach and Educational Psychology Service to name but a few.
In order to support our children in accessing the curriculum we have a ‘Team of Experts’ who provide interventions such as;
Also see SEND Policy and the SEND School Information Report
Assessment - At Worsley Mesnes Primary School, SEND children are assessed continuously. This is done through a variety of assessments including formative and summative assessments, such as end of topic assessments, Bsquared, observations/discussions, EBD scales, Boxall Profiles etc. These assessments then inform planning and targets for SEND children in the form of individual plans. This plan is then reviewed at Pupil Progress meetings termly and provision is recorded using the Cohort Raising Attainment Plan (CoRAP) The SENDCo has a strategic lead over SEND within school. If a child has an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) the SENDCo will organise and chair annual reviews for that child. Pupil progress meetings help as part of this process.
The intended impact is for the SEND children in each year group to be accessing a wide and varied curriculum whereby they are enjoying their learning. In addition to this, we want them to be inspired by learning and want to learn more; to be able to show progression in their subject knowledge, skills and understanding; be able to discuss their learning and understand where their learning can take them into the future!
The primary intention for our pupils with a Special Educational Need and/or Disabilities is to provide a fully inclusive and valuable education, ensuring equity of curriculum. We strive to recognise, celebrate and welcome diversity. We believe that each and every one of us brings something valuable to our school community. We aim to develop children’s personal qualities and achievements and are committed to giving all of our children every opportunity to achieve the highest standards, regardless of age, disability, religion, gender, ethnicity, attainment or background. We intend for all children to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
The curriculum is implemented using Quality First Teaching, however, we recognise that children with SEND require additional support and/or alternative provision. As a school, we are very mindful about providing high quality interventions, but class teachers plan this carefully so that children are not missing the same lesson each day/week in order to access their provision. We believe that all children have the right to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
Graduated Approach to SEND (EYFS) See Appendix 1
Graduated Approach to SEND (Y1-Y6) See Appendix 1
We implement the curriculum to our SEND children using a range of strategies, dependent upon each child’s varying and individual needs. We use the Assess, Plan, Do, Review model to evaluate the impact upon children’s learning. Examples of this include; Sensory box in every classroom, access to wobble cushions, ear defenders, other resources such as pencil grips, sloping desks, balance of 1:1 and small group work, task sheets, use of de-escalation techniques, writing frames, splicing tasks, magenta partners (peer support), collaborating with other agencies such as Speech and Language, Ethnic Minority Service, Targetted Educational Support Service, Occupational Therapy, Outreach and Educational Psychology Service to name but a few.
In order to support our children in accessing the curriculum we have a ‘Team of Experts’ who provide interventions such as;
Also see SEND Policy and the SEND School Information Report
Assessment - At Worsley Mesnes Primary School, SEND children are assessed continuously. This is done through a variety of assessments including formative and summative assessments, such as end of topic assessments, Bsquared, observations/discussions, EBD scales, Boxall Profiles etc. These assessments then inform planning and targets for SEND children in the form of individual plans. This plan is then reviewed at Pupil Progress meetings termly and provision is recorded using the Cohort Raising Attainment Plan (CoRAP) The SENDCo has a strategic lead over SEND within school. If a child has an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) the SENDCo will organise and chair annual reviews for that child. Pupil progress meetings help as part of this process.
The intended impact is for the SEND children in each year group to be accessing a wide and varied curriculum whereby they are enjoying their learning. In addition to this, we want them to be inspired by learning and want to learn more; to be able to show progression in their subject knowledge, skills and understanding; be able to discuss their learning and understand where their learning can take them into the future!
The primary intention for our pupils with a Special Educational Need and/or Disabilities is to provide a fully inclusive and valuable education, ensuring equity of curriculum. We strive to recognise, celebrate and welcome diversity. We believe that each and every one of us brings something valuable to our school community. We aim to develop children’s personal qualities and achievements and are committed to giving all of our children every opportunity to achieve the highest standards, regardless of age, disability, religion, gender, ethnicity, attainment or background. We intend for all children to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
The curriculum is implemented using Quality First Teaching, however, we recognise that children with SEND require additional support and/or alternative provision. As a school, we are very mindful about providing high quality interventions, but class teachers plan this carefully so that children are not missing the same lesson each day/week in order to access their provision. We believe that all children have the right to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
Graduated Approach to SEND (EYFS) See Appendix 1
Graduated Approach to SEND (Y1-Y6) See Appendix 1
We implement the curriculum to our SEND children using a range of strategies, dependent upon each child’s varying and individual needs. We use the Assess, Plan, Do, Review model to evaluate the impact upon children’s learning. Examples of this include; Sensory box in every classroom, access to wobble cushions, ear defenders, other resources such as pencil grips, sloping desks, balance of 1:1 and small group work, task sheets, use of de-escalation techniques, writing frames, splicing tasks, magenta partners (peer support), collaborating with other agencies such as Speech and Language, Ethnic Minority Service, Targetted Educational Support Service, Occupational Therapy, Outreach and Educational Psychology Service to name but a few.
In order to support our children in accessing the curriculum we have a ‘Team of Experts’ who provide interventions such as;
Also see SEND Policy and the SEND School Information Report
Assessment - At Worsley Mesnes Primary School, SEND children are assessed continuously. This is done through a variety of assessments including formative and summative assessments, such as end of topic assessments, Bsquared, observations/discussions, EBD scales, Boxall Profiles etc. These assessments then inform planning and targets for SEND children in the form of individual plans. This plan is then reviewed at Pupil Progress meetings termly and provision is recorded using the Cohort Raising Attainment Plan (CoRAP) The SENDCo has a strategic lead over SEND within school. If a child has an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) the SENDCo will organise and chair annual reviews for that child. Pupil progress meetings help as part of this process.
The intended impact is for the SEND children in each year group to be accessing a wide and varied curriculum whereby they are enjoying their learning. In addition to this, we want them to be inspired by learning and want to learn more; to be able to show progression in their subject knowledge, skills and understanding; be able to discuss their learning and understand where their learning can take them into the future!